Thursday, September 24, 2020

A few new photographs...

If your 2020 has been anything like mine, it has been filled with lots of unexpected adventures, head scratching moments, and other moments that have probably left you with a certain level of disbelief. Despite all of this, I have been doing my best to keep making new photographs that I have had on my Flickr stream, but I thought I'd post here as well.  

This first one is a portrait that I did of a good friend/Brother, that goes by the name of "Tripod".  He's a good guy, that has an interesting motorcycle story, I am grateful for his friendship and for the miles that we have ridden together so far.

If you have followed my photography for a while, and I know that you have, you'll know that I also have a 6x12 Pan Holga camera, that I love to use.  Over the summer, I met some of my Brothers for lunch before going on a nice ride through the mountains of Northern Utah and I was able to make this photograph with my Pan Holga. 

I like taking portraits, at least that's what I call them, so I will end this with another portrait of my favorite person to ride with, my wife...

Until next time, stay safe, and ride often.


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Film v Digital

If you have followed my photography for a long time, you may remember several years ago, I started photographing these "inflatable characters", that you mostly see at used car dealership, then all of the sudden, I stopped seeing them.   Recently though, through a post that a friend made on Facebook of a picture of an inflatable duck that was at a car wash, I was fortunate enough find it there and went to photograph it.

I am not exactly trying to compare film and digital, because at this point, having the need to scan the film for this photograph, it's all digital anyway, but since I was able to make a photograph of the scene with both my Holga camera, using Fujichrome Provia 400 and the camera on my phone, using Pixlr to process the file, I thought I'd put them here together.

The first photograph is the one I made with my Holga:

If you have been following my photography, you'll know that I prefer to have a boarder of some kind  and in the case of my Holga photographs, the boarder looks something like this.

The camera phone image on the other hand, looks like this:

As I mentioned above, I use the Pixlr app, for my post processing and the camera on my phone shoots the RAW format, which is what I use for my more creative photographs.  My process is quick and easy, I crop the file to square, select the "sloppy" boarder, and use the app's "Sophia" effect, that's all. 

You can see my Holga photographs and other film based photographs on my Flickr stream, where I go by "Red Holga Man" or if you'd rather, you can check out my Instagram page, where I have my motorcycle photographs, which is a mix of digital and film photographs @harleys_and_holgas_forever

I like both methods, but ultimately my heart belongs to film. 


Monday, January 27, 2020

Goals, My next book

Winter is the worst time for motorcycle riders, because you can't ride; so the other morning I woke needing to hop on my motorcycle, but I was unable to do so, because snow had fallen the night before.  

Needless to say, I had a little pent up energy, that I was able to overcome, slightly anyway, through a creative type of outlet. So with a cup of coffee in my hand, I went to my computer, pulled up the BookWright software from and created what I am calling a very preliminary and potential cover for a photo book about my motorcycle photography, that I am thinking of calling, Harleys and Holgas Forever, after my Instagram handle.  

If you are fan of my photography, and I know that there at least 10 of you out there, you may remember my first photo book, Trout Dreams; I know that there are at least 10 of you out there, because 14 copies of it were bought, and I bought four copies myself.

I learned a lot doing the first book and hope to make this better.  It took me about six years to have enough photographs that I felt were worthy to be in the book and by the looks of my Flickr photstream, I posted my first motorcycle photographs in 2016, so it could be at least two years before I get to that point. 

So here's to more photographs and to more riding of course.  

If you are in the greater Wasatch Front area, in Northern Utah, and want to be a part of the book or at least photograph you and your bike, look for me out on the open road, contact me through here, or on Instagram: Harleys_and_Holgas_Forever

Let's Ride