Saturday, April 24, 2010

New Format...

Welcome to the new!
I have had to make some tough decisions about keeping a website lately, something I have had now for more than seven years. I nearly let the whole thing go, because I am unable to afford the hosting, but I decided that I need to continue having a web presence.
My plan for my "blogsite", is to continue to post new photographs and other things related to my photography. I'll also be putting up a few things from my old site, like the 'paint your holga" article, I wrote for Light Leaks Magazine a few years back.
I am excited for the change, I think it will be a good change too.
As I post new photographs, I'd like people to comment constructively on them; I have always felt that constructive comments are beneficial for both the photographer and the commentator, particularity if the comment maker also does photography.
That's all for now I suppose, thanks for viewing and I hope you comeback to my "blogsite".
For now I will leave you with one of my first fly fishing photographs, one that I did nearly two years ago now, and has really the main thing I have been photographing since too.
For now you can see my photographs on Flickr

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