So here we are, at the end of the look back on the past 26 years of my photography, and while my birthday isn't for another couple of weeks still, I hope that you have enjoyed reading this.
It's hard to end something that will continue, so I don't really know where to go with this one, but I think I will make this one all about the fly fishing project I have been doing for the past two years.
My latest couple of photographs have been macro ones, that I made using a set of snap on "macro lens", so far I like the results I have gotten, but still need to refine the technique.
The "macro lens" I have come in five distances, 30mm, 60mm, 120mm, 250mm and 500mm. This first one was shot with the 120mm lens.
On a recent fishing adventure this month, I started seeing what I thought were stonefly nymphs, but upon further inspection I saw that they were actually the shucks of the nymphs. I used the 30mm lens for this one.
I like really where I am going with the fly fishing project, and I have gotten a lot of positive feedback and support from various people both in person and online.
I like the feeling I get from making these photographs with a Holga, someone on a fly fishing forum described them as nostalgic and grand, for which I am flattered to hear, it's a description I never really thought of, but it is certainly fitting.
One of my biggest goals for my photography has been to have an exhibit of my own and a book of the exhibit. I'd like to see the fly fishing photographs be that exhibit and book.
Over the past few months I have had some great exposure on some fly well known fly fishing blogs, the first came from "The Fiberglass Manifesto" in November 2009, ""Brian Schiele is The Holga Master".
Then in January of this year, Cameron who writes the Fiberglass Manifesto(TFM), and I traded some prints for some TFM gear and did an encore about my photography, in "The Holga Master Delivers".
Then in April, I got another write up on my photography in an off shoot webzine, called "Sleeping In the Dirt", you can see the issue I was interviewed in HERE. At the time this was the second issue of "Sleeping In the Dirt" the webzine and I am happy to report that its fourth issue was recently published. Keep up the great work Aaron!
Lastly, I have been working on something that will hopefully help me achieve my goal of an exhibit and book. I'd rather not say what it is at this time, because I don't want to jinx it or anything like, but I know it will be worth the wait for me and for you.
Thanks for joining me on this look back on my photography, and if you have wondered why I call myself a "Holga Master, check this out. I am not much on nicknames or anything like that, but if who ever posted that, feels like I am a "Holga Master", who am I to argue!
Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.
Top site, I hadn't noticed earlier in my searches!
Continue the superb work!
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